It is important to realize that as a relatively recent and traumatic experiences affect the current state of the state and nature of ethnic Greeks. Until the early decades of the twentieth century a large part of Greece was in the hands Ottońskich. In the meantime, a number of areas inhabited by Orthodox Greeks of Asia Minor, Egypt, western Europe and northern Balkans. Balkan war in the years 1912 to 1913, the Greek involvement in World War I in 1917 to 1918, the Greek - Turkish War in the years 1919-1922, and a structured exchange of population, caused by each of the emerging conflict, tells of these events have very far-reaching consequences.
But worse was to come along with World War II and the aftermath of the war between the Communists and, by, supported by Britain and the United States, the ruling nationalist armed forces. The cruelty of this period was reflected in the next almost seven years of military dictatorship under jute Colonels from 1967 to 1974 year.
Memories of the time these governments, the dispersion and disasters (including frequent with destructive power of earthquakes), were dangerously close to the consciousness of the Greeks, despite nearly three decades of democratic stability and accession to the European Union. Poverty and endless inability to find work in their own homeland has led many talented Greeks to emigrate. For those who were there came the time of stagnation, until the introduction of total employment policies, which led to the introduction of the lowest in the whole of Western Europe's lowest average wage. One party of this situation led to a lack of initiative of the workers, but imposed more stringent official economic projects met with a series of mass strikes.